We always welcome names for the sick.
Please note that request must only be made by the individual or an immediate family
member. Names will remain in this prayer list for 3 months
Contact the Rectory 708-485-2900
January: Geraldine Balun, Frances Nicosia, Loraine Ostrowski, Berni Koprowski, Benjamin Marmolejo, Gianna Guzman,
Ramon Trujillo, Florentina Trujillo, Maria Galvez, Richard Glowicki, Patrick Golden, Stan Czerwein, Tim Spratte,
Ashley Wigum, DeStephano Family, Jamie O’Brien
December: Don Nardi, Bob Pavlik, Amanda Moore, Hector Davila, Lupita Pinzon, Margarita Contreras Garcia,
Lisa Forest, Bob Becas, Laura Whittield, Karyn Zick Miller, Ronald and Sandra Belousek
November: Joe Harrold, Patrick Huber, Vincent Austrevich
Maria Del Carmen Ramirez, Patrick Reilly, Hector Davila, Maria Vargas De Ramos, Francis John Loye, Rosario Del Angel Najera, Father Steve Kanonik,
Ines Jorge Alvarado Cabrera, Robert Butler, Victor Terszkowski, Linda S. Borowczyk, Katherina Radocha, Shirley Lauth,
Mercedes Martinez, David Sewall, Dominic Squillaci Jr., Paul Straka, Sergio Rodriguez Flores