Pray for the Faithful - orar por los fieles

We always welcome names for the sick.

Please note that request must only be made by the individual or an immediate family
member. Names will remain in this prayer list for 3 months

Contact the Rectory  708-485-2900


September: John Smigelski

August: Ashley Wigum, Nancy Rezicka, Josephine Reciello, Patricia Ritacco, Kathy DeStefano and Family,
Evelyn Parazin, Eugene Zaleski, Gerry Biedron, Jesus Barreto, Joseph M. Ruzek, Tom Mancini

July: Richard Cichon, Cindy Heckmann, Dolores Lambert, John McLaren, Lilian Schick, Janie O’Brien

Annie Kosmider, Lydia M. Berry, Claudio Sacramento, Ramiro Almaraz Tovar, Daniel Garringer, Maria Trujillo,
Edward Joseph Pec, Antun Soukup, Lita Lavorini, Alice Merzac, Maria Figueroa Flores, Mary A. Fredona